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  • Foto del escritorJose Luis Valderrama

Follow your goals and be unstoppable

Actualizado: 11 ene

🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 People may tell you that you are not capable, that you are not good, or criticize and judge you because you are wrong. Along the way, people like that will pass; let it go, let it go. Before, I fought to prove the opposite; however, I no longer waste time. I continue with my discipline because it is she who will take me where I want to be. People like this are like rocks in your way, which you avoid and continue, keep growing, advancing, and be excellent in your humanity.….. 💪💪💪

🇨🇴🇪🇸 Gente puede decirte que no eres capaz, que no eres bueno, o criticarte o juzgarte porque te equivoques; en el camino pasara gente asi, dejalo pasar, dejalo ir, antes peleaba para demostrar lo contrario, sin embargo ya no pierdo tiempo, y continuo con mi disciplina porque es ella quien me llevara donde quiero estar, gente asi es como rocas en tu camino, las cuales eludes y sigues, manten creciendo y avanzando, se excelente en tu humanidad …💪💪💪











#motivation #loveyourself #keepworking #sport#energy#onlygoodvibes#waterpolo#neverstop #nobodycantstopme #strongmind#bequality #virtue #virtud#valores#humanity#psicologia

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